Thursday, 23 February 2012

let's play dada

I guess it's a well known game for kids, as well as for adults. a kind of dada concept. you write a name, than you make in half the paper. you cut it out and draw a little figure on the blank side. I cannot show you all the funny faces and bodies that came out of it, because the kids have made little books of them and this morning have taken them to school, but have a look at the holes in the sheets of paper that we've used. enjoy! :)))

ps. the book made by eva looks like that (click to see the full size):


  1. Super Agatko! Fajny pomysl na zabawe z dziecmi! Koniecznie musisz pokazac koncowy efekt tzn. te ksiazeczki! Pozdrawiam i usciski dla dzieciakow!

  2. dzięki, tak, to jest naprawdę fajna zabawa i co najważniejsze zabiera sporo czasu. postaram się wrzucić fotki książeczek. nawzajemnie - wyściskaj chłopaków od nas :)))
