Thursday, 21 April 2011

obywatele w ruchu czyli: CITTADINI MIGRANTI

Davvero non so più in che lingua scrivere. Czasem piszę po angielsku, a czasem po polsku... Czasem po włosku, a czasem w ogóle nic. Is it all right with you? Was denkt ihr? Secondo voi cosa dovrei fare? Anybody has an advice for me?

Dzisiejszy temat: migrujący obywatele, ludzie w ruchu.
Proszę otwórzcie "google translate", perché scrivo in inglese.

This is Moscow. I found this postcard in the train to Turin last week. Immediately I imagined I was going to Moscow. Great exercise for the imagination, isn't it? I was traveling in the joyful company of three South American workers, Romanian family and two Italian girls… and about 15 years old boy that was trying to steal my purse, well… never mind.

There is something strange in the word "immigrant", used widely in mass media, like if he was somebody coming from nowhere, getting inside the place that we think it's ours. From my direct experience I would say that an immigrant feels more like emigrant because of leaving the whole world he knows and jumping into the unknown. I know, it is so obvious, but sometimes we forget about it. People try to change their locations to change their destiny, I love this idea. And I love the superb images, published by Marco Paci on his blog. Marco called them MIGRANTI. This word includes both aspects of the phenomena. Thank you Marco, it gives more sense to the condition of so many people.

Few days ago I accompanied my little girl to a control visit in the hospital. How big my surprise was to see the inscription on the foreigners desk saying: “services for migrant citizens”. I think it is simply beautiful way of thinking about people that have the will and power to upends their lives. I have never recognized myself in the word "immigrant", but a MIGRANT CITIZEN, yes, that could be also me, I guess.
(And… it is really not so bad to be an immigrant a migrant citizen, in Italy… Although it’s never easy.)

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