Tuesday, 8 January 2013

robert wilson / ritratti a palazzo madama

get ready for a flood of photos!
because I liked robert wilson's exhibition a lot... and I took pictures almost of everything...

robert wilson is said to be the world most famous theatre artist. in turin he showed his "living portraits" - video-art exhibition. 50 high definition video-portraits set on the walls between the magnificent damask and inlaid furniture of the eighteenth century rooms. you could hear macaulay culkin breathing, see johnny depp blink his eyes and listen to the rain falling on brad pitt in white boxer and socks. you could, but now the exhibition is over. deal with it! (just kidding)

the animals were the kids' favourite part - please meet boris, ivory, samson, kool and horned frog :)))


cirko vertigo / torino

cirko vertigo - torino 29 / XII / 2012
we were there and we saw it - bellissimo!
click here to see some details

chińskie wycinanki / chinese paper cuts

16 XII 2012, Palazzo Mazzetti, Asti.

workshop of paper cutting with Chinese masters, red&gold rice-paper, scissors and Filip :)

our young teachers

the tiger


wishing you luck in the new year! happy 2013 :)