Friday, 1 June 2012

the 1st of June!

dzień dziecka :))) dziś wolno rozsmarować czekoladę gdziekolwiek, zamiast obiadu zjeść lody, a wieczorem pójść spać nie umywszy się w ogóle ;))) bawcie się dobrze dzikuski!

festa dei bambini! oggi si può spalmare cioccolato ovunque, invece del pranzo mangiare gelati e andare al letto senza essersi lavati, buona festa piccoli selvaggi!

happy kids' day! today you can spread some chocolate everywhere, eat ice-cream for lunch and go to bed with smelly feet. have fun little savages!

Thursday, 31 May 2012

chinese calligraphy lesson

my first (i hope not the last) chinese calligraphy lesson...

a dot
sea / lake

...and the gift from the master wang zhi xiang (it says "enthusiasm!")
